Friday, June 19, 2009

The British are better...

...way better, when it comes to American food. I had McDonalds yesterday because I needed to fix my own dinner before going out to the theatre, so I picked up McDonalds and took it back to the apartment, and the service was awful! And this is English speaking, completely literate Americans that I'm referring to - not the mix of foreigners serving us in Camberley. Seriously though, I had to repeat myself three times, and then she tried to send me away without fries or a drink, which I'd already paid for! Then, having already specified that it was 'to go', I then had to embarrass both of us even further by actually asking for a bag to put the stuff in. 

Having gotten back to the apartment, I was really let down by the food - the burger tasted as if it had been reheated, and the mayo looked like kurt's home brewed mary-rose sauce - and tasted like it, too. It was disgusting!

End of rant. 

Rewind to Tuesday night - end of. 

Anne Hathaway was amaaaazing! She certainly does hath a way of stunning an audience! I knew she could sing, but I never knew she was trained in opera. She should soooo try out for the part of 'Elphaba'. 

Wednesday - I spent wondering around Central park Zoo, and then walked up 'Literary Walk', and up 'The Mall' until I was back within spitting distance of Ursh's apartment again, or almost. 

I saw Wicked yesterday evening and, aside from the McDonalds, have never felt more ripped off in my life. Lets put it this way - for the price I paid last night, I would have been in my own private box and would have had a backstage tour included in the price if it had been in England. Instead, I found myself in the Gods, although to be fair there wasn't a bad seat in the house - It seemed as though anywhere you sat, you'd be getting an amazing view of the stage. But still, In England you wouldn't pay more than thirty pounds for a seat where I was sitting. The cast more than made up for it, though. A few of the jokes had been tweaked or dumbed down, but the actors compensated for it with their singing. Unrivaled. Seriously. 

Got home on the dot of 11pm, and slept through until midday today. Just had a lazy day today, and nothing much to report. Although tomorrow will be interesting. Ursula's friend has managed to get us all free tickets to the baseball game tomorrow - I'm not all to sure how I'll fair with that. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If music be the food of love..

Today I had a choice of either going to the Empire State Building at around 9-9.30am, or going to Central Park and queueing up for tickets to see Anne Hathaway perform 'Twelfth Night' as part of the 'Shakespeare in the Park' program. I arrived at the end of the queue at about 9.10am, and sat down with my towel, book, mp3 player, sudoku book, and Hitsoshi book. The group that joined the queue after  me were some sort of school group, and it was quite interesting to eavesdrop on their class discussion about Twelfth Night. 

At 12.45pm, after many agonizing Hitsoshi puzzles, the queue started to move, very slowly. By 1.15pm, I had my free ticket. So now I'm contemplating what to do for the rest of the afternoon until 8pm tonight, which is when the performance actually starts. 

I'll see if I can update again after the show, but until then, ciao. x x

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yesterday was one of those really tiresome days that felt like it was a week long. Woke up, went to breakfast with Ursula, Jason and Jason's-friend-who-still-hadn't-left, came back at about midday (so really we had brunch, not breakfast.) And then I still felt so tired that I went to bed for four hours. Woke up at 4pm, went downstairs, and Ursula cooked a Polish pork dish which we ate whilst watching Tom Cruise getting various limbs removed in 'Valkyre'. Ursula and Jason then went to bed, while stayed up and watched 'Mean Girls'...oooh yay. Then I went to bed.

Woke up this morning at 8am, got dressed wearing one of the new bras and the new orange vest top that Grandma gave me (Thanks Grandma!!) and Ursula and I caught the Subway to the tip of Manhattan, where we then boarded a ferry that took us first to Liberty Island (Guess what we saw there??) and then to Ellis Island. The museum was awesome!

When back on the Mainland, we caught the subway back up the line to Time Square, which is actually a Triangle, had lunch, and then bought my bus ticket for my transfer to Washington DC, before returning to the flat. Which is where I am now. 


Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's 10.15pm on Saturday, and i'm relatively pleased with the day's outcomes. Even though not much has happened, it feels like it's been a looong long day. I finished reading 'The Host' last night, so thats probably why - half the time during the day i felt like I was still with Melanie and Wanda, giving them my input whenever they argued. (Read the book, and then you'll understand who and what I'm on about..It's called 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer.) But anyway, I woke up feeling pleased with myself that I'd actually finished reading a book, but also strangely lost and confused, and a little bit lonely when it hit me that I couldn't run into The Garden Room for company. 

I got dressed, had breakfast with Ursula and Jason, and then settled down on the couch to try and get myself hooked on one of the other books I'd packed, 'Post Mortem' by Patricia Cornwell or something like that. I'm up to chapter two of the book, and so far it hasn't grabbed me and pulled me in like 'The Host' did - pun intended. (But probably not spotted or appreciated for it's true quality.)

After a while of reading and numerous offers to help with housework (believe it!) that were turned down, I trotted off down to the shops and did a bit of window shopping. And then some real shopping. I returned back to the apartment with two bras from Victoria's Secret, feeling utterly deflated - literally. I'm two and a half sizes smaller over here than I am in England. Not nice. 

The afternoon was filled with TV, reading and browsing the internet. We were going to go and see a performance of 'The Merchant in Venice', but it was raining and we didn't fancy holding up an umbrella for the entire performance. (It was an open air concert.)

We went out for Sushi for dinner - Jason and Ursula both had a friend join us, so there were five of us in total. Ursula, myself and her friend then went to the cinema to see 'Up!' - which was absolutely amazing, especially in 3D! It was made by Disney Pixar, and had just the right amount of tears and laughter to rival Toy Story - in my opinion it was ten times better than Toy Story. 

Ursula and I have just arrived home. Jason and his friend are at a Batchelor party, and won't be back until about 3-5am, Ursh reckons. 

I'm bored, and thinking I'll go to bed, since there's no one online to talk to.

Goodnight all, 

hugs and love! x x 

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Birthday Blues..

I cannot believe it. Yesterday I think a broke a world record for the longest birthday, ever! You would have thought that no one could possibly beat 24 hours and 59 seconds, buuut i DID IT! My birthday, the 11th of June 2009, lasted for an entire 29 hours and 59 seconds! Go me - my name'll be in lights before I reach DC.

No But seriously, it was so awesome going to bed on Wednesday night at about 1am GMT (so that was around 9pm for me) and realising that technically, I had already been nineteen for an entire hour. 

I actually had quite a decent night, despite the eery clawing at my door combined with constant sirens outside. I woke up, got dressed and walked downstairs ad was greeted one. Unless the cats count. And what kind of greeting is that, anyway? What with Julie being all PMS on me! I presumed that Ursula was out or something, and settled down to read my book.  About 10 minutes later, she came through the door and said Happy Birthday, and that she'd been at the gym to work off the chinese take-out we'd eaten for dinner on Wednesday, and pointed out that she'd actually left a note on the table. well now, I'm not a nosey person, so it simply didn't occur to me to go snooping around reading papers that were none of my business. But anyway, she gave me the cutest birthday card, very appropriate.  It has a picture of a rather disgruntled cat on the front and says "A birthday is like a cat..." and then on the inside it said "You wake up one morning and it's right there in your face! Hope it's a good one!"  

We went for breakfast at the most popular diner in upper west, and I had pancakes with chocolate and coconut, which came with syrup and a weird kind of strawberry jam. I ate about half the portion, and convinced my self that if I could manage an entire American portion then i'd have something to worry about!

We walked back to the apartment, and finished watching the film 'Twilight' that we had started the night before. They'd rented it especially with me in mind, thinking that all teens are into vampires and teenage love triangle stories - very considerate of them. Jason had fallen asleep during the film because he was so bored on wednesday, but Ursula actually enjoyed the film, so the two of us felt quite justified in our decision to continue watching the film without Jason. We then sat and read for a while, before Ursula had to go into college leaving me to my own devices for about three or four hours - which I was glad about. Gave me a chance to read more of my book. At about half past three, I caught the subway to The Village (look on any map of manhattan and you'll know what i mean) and then spent about twenty minutes wondering around trying to figure out East from West, so that i could follow Ursula's directions and meet her outside her college. 

We found eachother. eventually. Wondered around 'The Villiage', which Ursula found just as interesting as i did, because she hadn't really explored this part of the city that much. She was unnerved because the grid system was no longer in place. I was in my element because the streets actually had names, and i felt as if I was in Hammersmith or somewhere like that. We did about an hour and a half of window shopping as we slowly walked up to Union Square, and then walked to the restaurant at about 6pm. I had this weird pizzette thingy with potato on it for a starter, followed by roast chicken and mashed potato with a white truffle gravy for main course. For desert, i chose a butterscotch pudding with peanut butter cookies, and it came with a candle in it. 

Soon after, we made our way to the theatre - it was waay smaller than i expected, but we were in the stalls and at the back of the room, so we didn't get messy at all during the entire performance by The blue Man Group. They were amazing!!!

We caught a cab home, and all of us went straight to bed. And Thats where I'm going now! Love ya'll!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today, I've had a bit of a lazy day. Had cereal and a bagel for breakfast, and then chicken sandwiches for lunch with Ursula when she returned from her Yoga class. Then we sat down and watched TV for about an hour and a half or so. Discovered that Ursh is just as in love with Bones as I am! We then walked down to the Natural History museum and she got us in for free with her old company card. Saw the big dinosaur that features in 'Night at the Museum one', and now have a real craving to get hold of that film - I haven't seen it yet. 

Walked back from the museum after about an hour and a half, and then we just sat down and watched TV again. I tried to get my phone to work again, but I still can't top up, and seem to have run out of whatever credit that Hannah left on there for me. I've now switched to orange, because then at least if i do run out of credit, I can just text online. 

Tonight we're getting a take-out because Ursula won't be back from college until late. Not sure where from, though. 

So that's all for now, folks. By the way - i just wanna make sure that someone definately did send the address of the blog to Grandma? I promised her I'd email it to her, but I don't have the new email address.

Love you all lots, and hope Tom enjoyed his birthday.

PS. Kurt - try to keep up :p

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lost, seasons one two and three

Apologies for the lack of detail last night - I was rather tired. I actually can't remember many details concerning the flight, but I do remember feeling utterly bewildered at the security process on the other side. I queued or ages and ages, visa waiver form in hand, and then finally was called forward. Apparently you guys aren't the only ones who think I'm crazy for traveling alone. The immigration officer asked for details on who bought the plane ticket and whether my parents knew I was here and what professions they had. He probably thought I was running away from home or something!!!

As soon as Ursula got back from College we all went out for dinner and had pizza. It was only at this point that I realised  how totally jetlagged I was, because we didn't sit down until about 10pm for dinner, which was about 1am GMT time. Got back, went straight to bed, and was woken up by massive thunder storm at about 3am NY time, so thats about 9am GMT. 

Thunder and lightening was still going on at around 7am NY time which is when I woke up and consequently started reading for about an hour before getting dressed. Had breakfast with Ursula this morning and saw her off to College, and spent about two hours getting lost in Central park, and ended up on 89th East instead of 89th West, but never mind.

I got back okay, stopping off to buy a ham, omlette and cheese croissant and diet pepsi. So yeah, thats a rough rundown. it's now about 2.20pm over here, and Ursula just got back from college and is reheating the leftover pizza from last night. 

Chow for now!

'Sno place like home.

So here I am, listening to Jason tease Ursula about the 'commemorative tattoo' that I apparently stopped off to get on the way from Penn Station to their duplex apartment.  Safe and sound, although knackered.

Flight was very quick, and Virgin Atlantic staff were excellent - I'd recommend them over BA any day. Off to collapse  in front of TV now,

Much Love - Jess x x x (Still alive and kicking) 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Final Countdown: 1 day, 18 hours, 20 mins until take off...

...Which really means 1 day, 14 hours - since I'll be leaving the house at around 10 am for the 2pm flight from Heathrow Terminal Three.

19.43pm on Saturday 6th June, and I'm currently catsitting for Claire while she goes out for a wild night of partying in Reading - you go girl! Kurt is sat infront of the TV, as he has been since we arrived at about 18.00pm. What's new?

Not much to say really - I just wanted to make a post to see what it'll look like. Oh yeah, I'm really excited :D