No But seriously, it was so awesome going to bed on Wednesday night at about 1am GMT (so that was around 9pm for me) and realising that technically, I had already been nineteen for an entire hour.
I actually had quite a decent night, despite the eery clawing at my door combined with constant sirens outside. I woke up, got dressed and walked downstairs ad was greeted one. Unless the cats count. And what kind of greeting is that, anyway? What with Julie being all PMS on me! I presumed that Ursula was out or something, and settled down to read my book. About 10 minutes later, she came through the door and said Happy Birthday, and that she'd been at the gym to work off the chinese take-out we'd eaten for dinner on Wednesday, and pointed out that she'd actually left a note on the table. well now, I'm not a nosey person, so it simply didn't occur to me to go snooping around reading papers that were none of my business. But anyway, she gave me the cutest birthday card, very appropriate. It has a picture of a rather disgruntled cat on the front and says "A birthday is like a cat..." and then on the inside it said "You wake up one morning and it's right there in your face! Hope it's a good one!"
We went for breakfast at the most popular diner in upper west, and I had pancakes with chocolate and coconut, which came with syrup and a weird kind of strawberry jam. I ate about half the portion, and convinced my self that if I could manage an entire American portion then i'd have something to worry about!
We walked back to the apartment, and finished watching the film 'Twilight' that we had started the night before. They'd rented it especially with me in mind, thinking that all teens are into vampires and teenage love triangle stories - very considerate of them. Jason had fallen asleep during the film because he was so bored on wednesday, but Ursula actually enjoyed the film, so the two of us felt quite justified in our decision to continue watching the film without Jason. We then sat and read for a while, before Ursula had to go into college leaving me to my own devices for about three or four hours - which I was glad about. Gave me a chance to read more of my book. At about half past three, I caught the subway to The Village (look on any map of manhattan and you'll know what i mean) and then spent about twenty minutes wondering around trying to figure out East from West, so that i could follow Ursula's directions and meet her outside her college.
We found eachother. eventually. Wondered around 'The Villiage', which Ursula found just as interesting as i did, because she hadn't really explored this part of the city that much. She was unnerved because the grid system was no longer in place. I was in my element because the streets actually had names, and i felt as if I was in Hammersmith or somewhere like that. We did about an hour and a half of window shopping as we slowly walked up to Union Square, and then walked to the restaurant at about 6pm. I had this weird pizzette thingy with potato on it for a starter, followed by roast chicken and mashed potato with a white truffle gravy for main course. For desert, i chose a butterscotch pudding with peanut butter cookies, and it came with a candle in it.
Soon after, we made our way to the theatre - it was waay smaller than i expected, but we were in the stalls and at the back of the room, so we didn't get messy at all during the entire performance by The blue Man Group. They were amazing!!!
We caught a cab home, and all of us went straight to bed. And Thats where I'm going now! Love ya'll!!!
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