Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lost, seasons one two and three

Apologies for the lack of detail last night - I was rather tired. I actually can't remember many details concerning the flight, but I do remember feeling utterly bewildered at the security process on the other side. I queued or ages and ages, visa waiver form in hand, and then finally was called forward. Apparently you guys aren't the only ones who think I'm crazy for traveling alone. The immigration officer asked for details on who bought the plane ticket and whether my parents knew I was here and what professions they had. He probably thought I was running away from home or something!!!

As soon as Ursula got back from College we all went out for dinner and had pizza. It was only at this point that I realised  how totally jetlagged I was, because we didn't sit down until about 10pm for dinner, which was about 1am GMT time. Got back, went straight to bed, and was woken up by massive thunder storm at about 3am NY time, so thats about 9am GMT. 

Thunder and lightening was still going on at around 7am NY time which is when I woke up and consequently started reading for about an hour before getting dressed. Had breakfast with Ursula this morning and saw her off to College, and spent about two hours getting lost in Central park, and ended up on 89th East instead of 89th West, but never mind.

I got back okay, stopping off to buy a ham, omlette and cheese croissant and diet pepsi. So yeah, thats a rough rundown. it's now about 2.20pm over here, and Ursula just got back from college and is reheating the leftover pizza from last night. 

Chow for now!

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