Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's 10.15pm on Saturday, and i'm relatively pleased with the day's outcomes. Even though not much has happened, it feels like it's been a looong long day. I finished reading 'The Host' last night, so thats probably why - half the time during the day i felt like I was still with Melanie and Wanda, giving them my input whenever they argued. (Read the book, and then you'll understand who and what I'm on about..It's called 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer.) But anyway, I woke up feeling pleased with myself that I'd actually finished reading a book, but also strangely lost and confused, and a little bit lonely when it hit me that I couldn't run into The Garden Room for company. 

I got dressed, had breakfast with Ursula and Jason, and then settled down on the couch to try and get myself hooked on one of the other books I'd packed, 'Post Mortem' by Patricia Cornwell or something like that. I'm up to chapter two of the book, and so far it hasn't grabbed me and pulled me in like 'The Host' did - pun intended. (But probably not spotted or appreciated for it's true quality.)

After a while of reading and numerous offers to help with housework (believe it!) that were turned down, I trotted off down to the shops and did a bit of window shopping. And then some real shopping. I returned back to the apartment with two bras from Victoria's Secret, feeling utterly deflated - literally. I'm two and a half sizes smaller over here than I am in England. Not nice. 

The afternoon was filled with TV, reading and browsing the internet. We were going to go and see a performance of 'The Merchant in Venice', but it was raining and we didn't fancy holding up an umbrella for the entire performance. (It was an open air concert.)

We went out for Sushi for dinner - Jason and Ursula both had a friend join us, so there were five of us in total. Ursula, myself and her friend then went to the cinema to see 'Up!' - which was absolutely amazing, especially in 3D! It was made by Disney Pixar, and had just the right amount of tears and laughter to rival Toy Story - in my opinion it was ten times better than Toy Story. 

Ursula and I have just arrived home. Jason and his friend are at a Batchelor party, and won't be back until about 3-5am, Ursh reckons. 

I'm bored, and thinking I'll go to bed, since there's no one online to talk to.

Goodnight all, 

hugs and love! x x 

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